Shantel-Siherta Shekhem
MDiv., Spiritual Holistic Self-Care Coach, Sacred Women Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Tantric Sha-mama, Plant Medicine and TLC Facilitator.
My Passion for People and 25yrs as a Registered Professional Nurse and Most Recent Masters of Divinity in Transpersonal Psychology Degree, continues to inspire me to take my own personal and spiritual wellness, growth and expansion to the next level by sharing my LOVE, knowledge and passion for life with those I coach. I enjoy teaching, training, travel, coaching and empowering women on how to recreate their lives from the inside out. Replacing Dis-ease, Stagnation, Limiting Beliefs, and Trauma with Good Vibes, Purpose, Passion, Joy and Holistic Wellness. Join me on this journey to wholeness...We were created to make Life Shifts Happen everything we need is within.
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